Women in Racing: Are You Ready to Ogle Edition
Let’s review how women are portrayed in the current national promotion for Thoroughbred horse racing on television.
Go Here, Do This
If you’re a fan and supporter of female jockeys (and female filmmakers!) you will be interested to know that there’s a great looking documentary film that you can help make happen.
Women in Racing: The Up and Coming Edition
In the era of gigantic marketing expenditures in pursuit of the young people, it’s good to know that we already have some. AND, what’s most notable to me, is the ever-growing legion of young women who step-up to put their opinions, thoughts and work out there.
Women in Racing
Do things like this… My love for the Ortiz Brothers pays off . Thank u racing gods pic.twitter.com/qTlY05jgLk — kelly carll (@kellycarll) October 17, 2013
Women in Racing: The International Edition
Jessica Chapel brought this to my attention earlier today: Great British Racing to female jockey: “Please pose with very few clothes on so the sport can gain attention via your body.” Classy. April 4, 2013 Sound familiar? At least our friends from across the pond are wearing something! And in other news, Jessica is blogging again! Please tell her to…
Women in Racing: The Bigfoot Edition
On Twitter today it was discovered that, in some cases, it’s hard to believe that up to 20% of ADW account holders are women. @pullthepocket You had me at 20% of online ADW clients are female. That’s shocking. Where does one find such a statistic? April 2, 2013 In case it’s not apparent why a woman may choose to wager…
Behold Women in Racing
Lest you think all my recent Twitter crabbing has been happening in a vacuum, I bring you several examples from just this week where women are specifically and only being portrayed as decoration in racing: Showgirls at Turfway Park for the Spiral: Here’s a better shot. Geisha girls in the winner’s circle at Santa Anita Park: And America’s Best Racing…
Spot the Unique
“There’s something about a headpiece that really makes a girl feel unique” One such girl who is likely to be feeling unique, in that “I’m smarter than you” way, is pictured above. It’s none other than HANA’s very own Theresia Muller, in her special headpiece, a baseball cap. Not pictured: her gigantic DIY, dare I say unique, handicapping binder. See…