Women in Racing: The Up and Coming Edition


In the era of gigantic marketing expenditures in pursuit of the young people, it’s good to know that we already have some. AND, what’s most notable to me, is the ever-growing legion of young women who step-up to put their opinions, thoughts and work out there.

Last night a tweet appeared in my timeline about this video, a preview of the Arima Kinen by Candace Hare and Emily White. A few minutes later:

If you follow me on twitter, or here, you’ll know I’m not shy about pointing out how women in racing are frequently treated like decoration and not necessarily taken seriously as handicappers. So, seeing two young women handicappers put their work out there was a welcome sight.

But, Candace and Emily aren’t alone. Here are the racing sites run by young women that I’ve noticed, and you should too:

Marshall Blevins
Ciara Bowen
Mary Cage
Candace Hare
Bunny Hinzmann
Michelle Kinane
Rachel Levine
Evie Sweeney
Jessica Tugwell
Emily White
Dawna Wood

Who did I miss? Let me know