Whatever Motivates You

A review of HRF stats uncovered the following chuckle-worthy search term…

The Beyer-hater landed here, spending almost 13 minutes, went to the homepage for a moment before moving on to one my favorite posts, a discussion on Handicapping Process, for 16 minutes. After that on to Introduction to Class for 3 minutes and 38 seconds.

As you can see this was their third visit, they’ve since visited an additional 18 times, for a total of 21 visits. They’ve visited the Handicapping Process post 15 times (in addition to many other of our Handicapping posts, including a revisit of the BSF post). Today’s visit was also to the Handicapping Process post. Platform? iPad (which makes sense as we touch on tablet-capping in that post).

We’re happy to help people and thankful for our visitors, regardless of their motivation!